Isivertuus: the friend who doesn’t always want what’s best for you!
«The White Iris is the name of a new school of positive thought that started in Rome and has spread through major cities from Rome to Lutecia. Caesar decides this method might have a beneficial effect on the Roman camps around the famous Gaulish village. But its principles also start influencing the villagers themselves… It was developed by the main character on the cover, the ‘villain’ of this adventure, who naturally wears a white iris.» Fabcaro
Isivertuus gives life lessons and he’s a master in the art of trickery and deception, but he only ever has one goal: to dazzle Caesar and spread his teaching all over the world. And if that means crushing the last Gaulish village still resisting the Roman oppression, who cares!

«I didn’t want to make an out and out caricature but to take inspiration from the suggestions to come up with a distinctive character who was both charming and wise with his mop of salt-and-pepper hair.
For the cover, I wanted to showcase the new central character, putting him front and centre. I’ve shown him back-to-back with Asterix to make it clear that our famous Gaul isn’t fooled and is eyeing him sceptically.
In the background I wanted to illustrate the possible effects the White Iris has on characters in the village. For some it casts a sort of spell while others are wary and resist it.» Didier Conrad
Nous vous donnons rendez-vous le 26 octobre en librairie, pour découvrir l’album !